After Death Communication: Sharing Messages from Loved Ones During the Holidays

The holidays are a special time. But it’s also when we really miss our loved ones. As you may know, losing my dog started me on my LBL journey. And I’ve been seeing her name, Mia, around this week. I feel like she’s just saying “hi” and letting me know she’s with me. I’m also missing my mom and my friend who recently passed. My mom communicated a lot through my dreams. My friend sent me two songs, “I hope you’ll dance” and “I want you to have it all.” She wants me to still have a good life even though she is no longer with me. [SIGH] I still miss her. As they say, grief softens but it never really goes all the way away. 

After Death Communication

Have your loved ones ever reached out to you from the other side? Sixty percent of people experience some form of After Death Communication. But in our society we don’t talk about this. We may ignore or downplay the messages we receive. Or we tell ourselves that we imagined it. Or maybe we just don’t feel comfortable telling anybody about our messages because we don’t want them to think we’re crazy. 

That’s why it’s so important to share the messages you receive with people who will get it and really understand.

Maybe your loved one showed up in your Past Life Regression session or your Life Between Lives session… Or maybe they’ve reached out to you with signs or songs or dreams…

Sharing Reminds Us We Are Always Connected 

When we share about our messages from our loved ones it brings us together. And it reminds us that we are NEVER alone. We are all ONE and we are ALWAYS connected with those we love. ✨

If you’d like to share about your connections with your loved ones in spirit or you’d like to read other’s stories, we’re talking about this right now in our private LBL Facebook. You can join our LBL Soul Group on Facebook HERE.

We would love to hear how your loved ones reach out to you. 💜

You can also watch our YouTube video on After Death Communication HERE.

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